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Please be sure and remember your username and password for use on future applications. Those who struggle with the online application process please be aware that there are services available to you for free that can assist you with this process. The office of Human Resources is available to help with technical errors or issues with our site. On the other hand we are not able to walk applicants through the complete application process. Computers are available in our office to apply online but should be scheduled ahead of your visit to ensure desktop availability. Services to help with the application process can be located at your local library or the urban league in the form of free resume, computer training, and online application training classes. Find more information at the: - Saint Louis Public Library website: - Urban League website:

Need help? Click here for applicant chat support or call the following number for support 1-877-974-7437

Internal Postings

Job Listings
Type any part of the Job Title, Job Type, or Job Location to Search
Job TitlePosting DateTypeLocation
McCluer North- Assistant Girls Soccer Coach 24-2502/06/2025Extra Pay - CoachingMCCLUER NORTHApply
Food Service - Cafe Manager02/06/2025Food ServiceTo Be DeterminedApply
Food Service - Cafeteria Sub02/06/2025Food ServiceADMIN CTR FOOD SERVICESApply
Transportation - Bus Driver02/03/2025TransportationTRANSPORTATIONApply
Security - Security Officer01/31/2025SecurityTo Be DeterminedApply
McCluer North- Assistant Boys Track Coach 24-2501/31/2025Extra Pay - CoachingMCCLUER NORTHApply
STEAM Academy at McCluer South Berkeley - Assistant Boys Tennis Coach 24-2501/31/2025Extra Pay - CoachingSTEAM ACADEMY HIGH SCHOOL MSBApply
Social Worker at STEAM High School01/28/2025Teacher - Non CertifiedSTEAM ACADEMY HIGH SCHOOL MSBApply
Early Education Office Professional/Bookkeeper01/15/2025Office ProfessionalADMIN CTR EARLY EDUCATIONApply
STEAM Academy at McCluer South Berkeley - Volunteer Asst. Wrestling Coach - Boys 2024-202511/21/2024Extra Pay - CoachingSTEAM ACADEMY HIGH SCHOOL MSBApply
SSD Temporary / Seasonal Application11/12/2024Seasonal / TemporaryTo Be DeterminedApply